Sunday, February 10, 2013

Please Don't Rush Me

Please don't rush me

Don't rush me, please!
My toddler and I can't gather pine cones
If I'm gone all day.
Errands will have to wait.

Don't be irritated, please,
That I'm late for the meeting!
We stopped to watch the geese on the lake.

Don't expect my essay to be ready tomorrow.
My son and I walked in the woods today.

Shh! Don't call me tonight!
My baby boy and I are rocking
and Mommy's falling asleep!

Don't cringe at my sink full of dishes!
My son came to me with a puzzle to work.

Don't expect my house to be tidy!
My toddler's busy exploring it
And that's a messy job!

Don't ask me about the world situation!
I've been watching Sesame Street.

Don't ask me if I've read a good book lately!
Although little John thought so
When we had finished "Animal ABC's"

Don't rush me please when I'm dressing my baby
I could do it quickly
But John and I tickle and giggle and play peek-a-boo.
Who wants to hurry such a delightful experience?

Don't criticize me please!
I won't apologize for the time I spend with my son.
I am his best friend, comforter and teacher
And that job, and joy keep me busy.

So move along world, I'll catch up later.
I'm busy being a mother.

By Gloria Woodall...with thanks to Donna Wolsey

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