Saturday, March 30, 2013

Food Matters

Scott and I just finished watching Food Matters on Netflix.

It is quite an eye opener, especially to anyone who has an illness, or is taking drugs of any kind.
One of our friends is starting a raw food diet, and at first I was skeptical. I thought it was about weight loss, but I was wrong. After seeing this show, it made me aware of what we are really eating, and how raw foods can help us stay healthy longer. It is true. You are what you eat. My mother told me this all the time when I was growing up, as she tried to get us to eat our vegetables. I still don't like many vegetables...but I am going to make a change. Change is good.

Our life is good, but it could be better!

We are not going vegan/vegetarian. We are going to take a few small steps and put more plants in our diet.

Starting tomorrow morning, I am going to wake up and have a big glass of water, eat a raw breakfast and make sure to take my vitamins.

Watch it and tell us what you think.

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